Principal Investigator

Department of Medical Biomaterials Engineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea
tel.+82-33-250-6563, fax.+82-33-259-5645; e-mail : hsyoo AT
Editorial Board
‘Biomaterials’ (I.F. 15.305) Editorial Board, Elsevier (2016-) / ‘Biomaterials Research‘ (I.F. 15.863) Editorial Board / ‘Pharmaceutics’ (I.F. 6.525) Editorial Board, MDPI (2019~)/‘Journal of Tissue Engineering’ (I.F. 7.940) Associate Editor, SAGE (2019-) /Polymer(Korea), Associate Editor (2020~) / ‘Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews‘ (I.F. 17.873) Special Issue Guest Editor, Elsevier (2022.10~)
He received a B.S. degree (1996), a M.S. degree (1998), and a Ph.D. degree (2002, Advisor: Professor Tae Gwan Park) at Department of Biological Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. After a post-doctoral fellow at Department of Biomedical Engineering, the Johns Hopkins University (2004, Advisor: Professor Kam W. Leong), he joined the Kangwon National University as an assistant professor (2005). He is now a tenured professor of Biomedical Materials Engineering. He was also a visiting scholar for the Johns Hopkins University (2005) and the Northwestern University (2010). His research is focused on nano-biomaterials for drug delivery and tissue engineering employing multifunctional nanofibers and nanoparticles.
Current Members

Chungmo Yang Ph.D./ Assistant Research Professor
- E-mail cmyang AT
- Tissue engineering & drug delivery for autoimmune disease

Mao Wei Ph.D. / Post-Doc. Researcher
- E-mail maowei AT
- Drug & gene delivery
- Electrospun nanofiber

Duc-Hoai-Thuong Bui / Ph.D student
- E-mail hoaithuongd09 AT
- Nanomedicine for anticancer therapy

Wan Ho Cho / Ph.D student
- E-mail whjo AT
- Surface-engineered nanofibrils with small molecular weighted hyaluronic acid

Tran Le Khanh Linh / Master student
- E-mail tr.linh0205 AT
- Controlled drug delivery

Nguyen Phuong Linh / Master student
- E-mail nplinh912002.studu AT

Hyun Ah Kim / Administrative Staff
- Lab managing
- Administration